Case 9: Buzzing your ideology

10 important questions on Case 9: Buzzing your ideology

What is Gen C?

A group of digital natives, who will transform the world as we know it. Their interest will help drive massive change in how people around the world socialize, work, and live their passions - and in the information and communication technologies they use to do so.

What does C of gen C stand for?

C for...:
  • Contend creators.
  • Connected.
  • Co-creation.
  • Customize.
  • Community.
  • Curious.
  • Control.

What kind of media can be used for media marketing?

  • trailer
  • advertisement via website
  • online communities, with aim of creating greater audience loyalty
  • co-creation
  • viral & buzz marketing
  • buns buzz
  • support from the entertainment industry
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What are the 3 typical main activities of a movie website?

  • information provision
  • community creation
  • commerce

How does co-creation work?

From scratch you let the customer help create. The customer gets involved, which creates brand loyalty to eventually achieve customers loyalty.

How can a company use the brand equity model (Keller)?

By improving the rational route & emotional route of the whole process/product/service, they can achieve the ultimate relationship with customers.

What is cross media?

A.k.a. cross promotion, is promotion via all multiple media platforms.

What is push marketing?

The person doing the marketing is in control of the message & how it is received by potential customers.

What is pull marketing?

The message is being sent out, but you have the opportunity to respond or not.

What is the goal of a communication message?

  • creating brand value
  • building fan-base
  • reaching potential customers

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