Case 4: A new colleague at Pin High

9 important questions on Case 4: A new colleague at Pin High

What do you need if you want to live in Holland?

  • a valid passport/ID
  • proof of access to Dutch medical insurance

When do you have freedom of movement in Holland?

When you live in the EU, EEA and Switzerland.

What do you need if you want to work in Holland and don't have the freedom of movement?

Get a:

  • work permit
  • residence permit
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What should you do first if you come living in Holland?

  • Citizen Service Number at Dutch municipality
  • sofi number
  • temporary entry permit: MVV (always! & before IND)
  • register at IND (longer than 3 months) for social assistance & study grant
  • registration certificate (shorter than 3 months) to open bank account
  • health insurance

What are the requirements for the work permit?

A Dutch employer should have a:
  • employment contract
  • CAO

What are the requirements for tax & social security?

  • registration at IND
  • registration at municipality

What do you get when your sick?

UWV (end of contract)
WIA (long time)

What should independent contractors be insured for?

  • old age pension (AOW)
  • family allowances
  • surviving dependent's benefits (ANW)
  • exceptional medical expences (AWBZ)
*They are never insured for unemployment!

How should a employer settle a new (foreign) employee in the company?

  • work permit
  • BSN
  • tax authorities
  • pension fund
  • health & safety risk explanation
  • rights & benefits explanation (minimum wage/equal treatment/holidays/sick/unexpected leave)
  • rent
  • (socialization/on the job training/inform colleagues)

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