Case 7: HR planning

8 important questions on Case 7: HR planning

What does Imagineering stand for?

Imagining and engineering.

What is the process of Imagineering?

  1. Simple concept + backstory
  2. Translate this onto a storyboard (who, what, where, when, what/scale model & physical details/approved?)
  3. Set design (realize concept in physical form).

What are the 6 phases of the Imagineering process?

  1. Knowledge gathering phase
  2. Incubation phase
  3. Deepening phase
  4. Creation & Reflection phase
  5. Execution phase
  6. Innovation phase
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What are the 5 methods of creating an experience?

  1. sense-module
  2. feel-module
  3. act-module
  4. relate-module
  5. think-module

On what do individual experiences depend?

  • personal context (expectations/benefits)
  • social context
  • physical context

What kind of different experiences can be distinguished (Peter & Nijs)?

  1. Absorption in the experience (tv).
  2. Immersion, the customer becomes a physical part of the experience.
  3. Esthetical, the feeling that you should have been there.
  4. Escapism from real life.

What is the goal of Imagineering?

Creating a 'flow experience', realizing a positive attitude, whereby products get positively judged.

What are the 3 main strategic marketing themes concerning Imagineering?

  • service encounters
  • point-of-purchase stimuli
  • communication

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