Case 6: Management by motivation

8 important questions on Case 6: Management by motivation

What are the characteristics of a manager?

authoritarian style
work focusseek comfortA manager has policy  forming/executive task and can also be a leader.

What are the characteristics of a leader?

  • charismatic, transformational style
  • people focus
  • seek risks

What kind of leadership styles are there?

  • classification based on voice of employee/decision making
  • X & Y theory
  • leadership diagram
  • situational leadership
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What is the leadership style of classification based on voice and decision making of the employee?

  • authoritarian leadership
  • democratic leadership
  • participating leadership

What is the X & Y theorie (Douglas McGregor)?

X, employee:
  • is lazy
  • does not like to work
  • will/cannot think
  • feels pressured towards achievement and only wants $
  • does not like responsibility, wants to be leaded
Y, employee:
  • wants to work
  • is inventive, creative and has fantasy
  • achieves as soon as he can develop and if he gets treated by immaterial values
  • is able to carry responsibilities

What is the leadership diagram (Robert Blake & Jane Mouton)?

relationship oriented/task oriented
  • - - = separated
  • - += dedicated
  • + -= related
  • + += integrated

What is the leadership diagram (William Reddin)?

See table.

What is the situational leadership (Kenneth Blanchard & Paul Hersey)?

See table.

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