Serious Leisure

5 important questions on Serious Leisure

What is serious leisure?

Fulfilling; Extreme striving to constantly doing it, it becomes a career.

There are three forms:
- amateurism (good, wants public)
- hobbyists (own wishes)
- career volunteers (self interest, altruism) 

What are the distinctive qualities of serious leisure?

Feeling of going on in a difficult situation (to defeat/pass)
Feeling of striving something which increases your performance
Extra effort if knowledge or skills are needed
Lot of advantages
Applicants are one in mind
One identifies himself with the cause of the activity
* These qualities drive out personal & social benefits

What is casual leasure?

Enjoyable; Pure pleasure, don't need skill, nothing to strive, but you feel the benefits for a longer time.

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What are the distinctive qualities of casual leisure?

  • Finding something unexpected
  • Learning in a fun way
  • Feeling of renewal 
  • Developing and maintaining interpersonal relationship (development self-knowledge)
  • Wealth and leisure lifestyle 

What is project based leisure?

Enjoyable & fulfilling; short period, difficult and rare creative activity, often effort after acquired knowledge.

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