Historisch perspectief, trends en toekomst van de vrijetijd

3 important questions on Historisch perspectief, trends en toekomst van de vrijetijd

What are the USP's of niche-marketing?

  • Flexibility
  • Inventiveness

What are the differences of leisure between the three societies?

  • Traditional society: Work and leisure are really separated. The elite had a lot of free time, while the civilian al most did not have free time. Leisure had to do with tradition.
  • Modern society: Work and leisure got even more separated; work & non-work time. Leisure was seen as recuperation time, cheap alcohol, 1920 things get better, extra free day (Saturday).
  • Post-modern society: Small world, travel during leisure, higher demands which causes higher prices, this allows big companies to take over the leisure sector. 

What is the difference between a trend and a fad (rage)?

Trends are a long, fundamental, autonomous societal development.
Fads are for a short period.

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