Case 2: Freedom and recruitment & selectionprocess

26 important questions on Case 2: Freedom and recruitment & selectionprocess

Who should make the hiring decision?

  • HRM
  • supervising manager
  • new hire's coworkers
  • new hire's subordinates

To which 3 questions should they have an answer before they start the hiring process?

  1. Who should make the hiring decision?
  2. What characteristics should they look at? And how should these get measured?
  3. Should the manager consider the 'fit' to the companies culture in addition to the employee's skill level, or not?

What is labor supply?

The availability of workers with the required skills to meet the firm's labor demand.
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Of which 3 stages does the hiring process consist of?

  • recruitment
  • selection
  • orientation

Of which 3 stages does the recruitment process consist of?

  • attracting qualified candidates internally & externally
  • conducting a job analysis
  • making a job description

To what should the recruitment process be tied to?

To HRP efforts.

Why should a company conduct job analysis?

To ensure proper fit between hires & job.
To avoid legal problems.

What are the disadvantages of internal recruitment?

  • no refreshment
  • could demotivate

What are the disadvantages of external recruitment?

  • limited
  • takes time
  • difficulties with workers

What kind of tests can be conducted for the recruitment process?

  • personality
  • ability
  • psychological
  • honesty
  • drug

What does the term reliability mean in the selection process?

That the measurements should be consistent across time & judges.

Which 2 kind of errors can there be in reliability of the selection process and what are they?

The deficiency error is when components are measured but not included.The contamination error is when measures include unwanted influences.

What does the term validity mean in the selection process?

This is the extend to which the technique actually measures knowledge/skills/abilities.

What are the 2 methods of showing validity of the measurements of the selection?

  • Content validity
  • Empirical validity

What is empirical validity?

The relationship between the method and the job performance.
Two forms:
  1. Concurrent (now)
  2. Predictive (later)

What are the 3 strategies for making an effective selection decision and what are they?

  • The multiple-hurdle strategy is a selection after each stage.
  • The clinical strategy is an overall judgement at the end.
  • The statistical strategy is the applicant with the highest score.

(The organizational perspective of managing work flows) What strategy should a company apply if decentralization and a low division of labor are more appropriate?

The prospector strategy.

(The organizational perspective of managing work flows) What structure is more likely to be most effective when an organization is operating in an uncertain environment that requires flexibility?

The boundary less organizational structure.

What does the work-flow analysis examine?

If the work creates or adds value to the ongoing business processes.
*It helps managers determine if the work is being accomplished as efficiently as possible.

(The group perspective) What kind of teams are there?

  • self-managed teams
  • problem-solving teams
  • special-purpose teams
  • virtual teams

What kind of team do the flat (prospector strategy) and the boundary less organizational structured businesses like to emphasize?

Self-managed teams.

What motivation theories are there?

  • Two-factor theory
  • Work adjustment theory
  • Goal setting theory
  • Job characteristics theory
  • Pyramid of needs
  • Theory of needs
  • ERG
  • Expectancy theory.

What is the two-factor theory (Frederick Herzberg)?

There are two thing that influence the (dis)satisfaction of employees:
  1. motivators (internal factors)
  2. hygiene/maintenance (external factors)

What is the job characteristics theory (Richard Hackman & Greg Oldham)

You achieve more if the job has more characteristics.

What is the ERG theory (Clayton Alderfer)

You need at least to things of the pyramid to be operational and if high level needs get fulfilled, low level needs get bigger.

What is the theory of needs (McLelland)?

There are a total of 3 needs:
  1. Need for achievement.
  2. Need for power.
  3. Need for affiliation.
If you have 2 + 3 you will most likely have managerial success.

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