Network Theory - TCP operations - Options

4 important questions on Network Theory - TCP operations - Options

What are the TCP flags used for? How big is the field  and how many flags are there?

9 flags of 1 bit

-explicit congestion notefication (flag is set (1), TCP peer is ECN capable)
-SYN flag (establish tcp connection)


What is the tcp window size used for?

How many bytes the segment reciever is willing to recieve

What is an example of the tcp options field used for in the tcp header?

MSS (for syn)

Maximum segment size, the largest amount of data, specified in bytes, that TCP is willing to receive in a single segment
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What are 11 tcp header fields?

-Sequence number
-ACK number
-Data offset
-Flags (syn,ack,fin,rst)
-Window size (sender of this tcp segment is currently willing to receive)
-Urgent Pointer (used for urgent data)

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