IP Services - First-Hop Redundancy Protocol
11 important questions on IP Services - First-Hop Redundancy Protocol
What is the Hot Standby Router Protocol?
What are the basics of Hot Standby Router Protocol?
- A virtual IP address is configured on the HSRP enabled interfaces
- Active router is chosen which assumes the IP address and MAC address and routes the packets for the network.
- Active router is chosen by priority (Default 100, higher is better) or highest IP address on LAN segment in case of a Tie
What are the differences between HSRPv1 and HSRPv2?
2. Group range: V1 0-255 and for V2 it's 0-4095
3. Multicast address: V1 and for V2 it's
4. MAC address range:
- V1 is 00:00:0C:07:AC:xy where xy is hex value of group number
- V2 is 00:00:0C:9F:F0:00 thru 00:00:0C:9F:FF:FF
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What is the command for defining an HSRP Instance?
How can HSRP use object tracking?
With the command standby 10 track 1 decrement 20 the priority is decremented by 20 when the track 1 object fails.
Whereas HSRP is a Cisco proprietary protocol, another protocol named Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol is an industry standard.
VRRP is very similar to HSRP, what are the main differences to be noted?
2. VRRP enables Preemption (Switchback to primary) by default
3. The MAC address of the VIP gateway uses 00:00:5E:00:01:xx where xx is hex value of group id
4. VRRP uses multicast address for communication
What versions of VRRP are there?
VRRPv3: Supports IPv4 and IPv6
What is the important difference between the Legacy VRRP configuration and the newer Hierarchical VRRP configuration?
2. Hierarchical can be configured by enabling VRRPv3
3. Hierarchical creates a multi-address hierarchical CLI format.
What is Global Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP)?
What are the 2 roles within the GLBP?
2. Active Virtual Forwarder (AVF): There can be up to 4 AVFs. The AVF routes traffic received from the assigned hosts.
What is the default load balancing method used by GLBP, and what are the 3 supported ones?
2. Weighted (Defines weights to each device, larger router can route more traffic)
3. Host Dependent (uses the host mac address so the host always uses the same Virtual MAC)
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