VRF, MPLS, and MPLS Layer 3 VPNs - An Introduction to MPLS Operations

18 important questions on VRF, MPLS, and MPLS Layer 3 VPNs - An Introduction to MPLS Operations

What does MultiProtocol Label Switching (MPLS) use to make forwarding decisions?

Labels instead of Layer 3 destination

What are reasons to choose MPLS over traditional IP Routing?

  • Decreasing forwarding overhead on core routers, making them more efficient.
  • Can forward other Layer 3 protocols than IPv4
  • Supports multiple services; unicast routing, multicast routing, VPNs, TE (Traffic Engineering), QoS and Any Transport over MPLS (AToM)

What are the key points regarding the Label Information Base (LIB)

  • Similar to RIB
  • Recides in control plane of router
  • Build from label exchange with other MPLS enabled routers.
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What is the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)?

  • Runs on the control plane
  • Used to exchange label information with other MPLS enabled routers.

What are Label Switching Routers?

Label Switching Routers (LSRs) are routers that have MPLS enabled and can receive and transmit labeled packets.

Edge LSRs are LSRs that are at the edge of an MPLS domain. They can add or remove labels from packets

Intermediate LSRs are LSRs that sit within the MPLS domain and primarily forward packets based on labels

What is the Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC)?

A way for MPLS to group packets together that will be forwarded in the same manner. That group is called a FEC class.

What can the FEC classification be based on?

  1. Source Address
  2. Destination Address
  3. Source Port
  4. Destination Port
  5. Protocol Type
  6. VPN

What is the Label Switched Path (LSP)?

The unidirectional path that labeled packets of the same FEC take through the MPLS domain.
So the sequence of routers from the ingress LSR to the egress LSR.

Where is the MPLS Label header added and what is in the header?

The MPLS Label is added as a shim header between layer 2 and layer 3 header.
  1. Label - 20 bits
  2. TC (QoS) - 3 bits
  3. S (Last in stack) - 1 bit
  4. TTL - 8 bit

Total 4 bytes (32 bits)

What is Label Distribution Protocol?

It is the most common control plane protocol for sharing/distributing labels for IPv4 prefixes.
The industry standard method for hop-by-hop, dynamics label distribution in an MPLS network.

What happens after a LDP hello message?

Any device that is enabled for MPLS on the neighboring link and is receiving the hello message will form a LDP TCP 646 session with the neighbor so label information can be exchanged.

In MPLS, what is Penultimate-Hop Popping?

It is the process of the second-to-last router in the MPLS domain 'popping off' the MPLS label and forwarding the packet to the last router without a label.

This is done when the last router advertises a 'Pop' message instead of a label to the second-to-last router. This prevents the last router to have to do 2 lookups.

What is MPLS Inbound Lbael Binding Filtering?

Used to control the label bindings that an LSR accepts from other peered LSRs.
For example to control the amount of memory used by stored label bindings.

What is an Entropy Label in MPLS?

  • Used for Load Balancing.
  • Deep Packet Inspection done by the first LSR to check for load balancing needs.
  • Entropy Label added, which is used by all other LSRs.
  • Other LSRs don't have to do DPI for load balancing check.

What is an Implicit Null Label in MPLS?

  • An Implicit Null Label is used for Penultimate-Hop Popping.
  • It is a reserved label with the value of 3.
  • Receiving LSR knows to pop the label before forwarding.

What is an Explicit Null Label in MPLS?

  • Used in conjuction with Penultimate-Hop Popping to preserve MPLS QoS EXP bits.
  • by copying them into QoS IP Precedence or DiffServe.
  • Reserved label with the value of 0.

What is the MPLS LDP Autoconfiguration feature?

  • It automaticcaly enables LDP on all interfaces associated with a specified Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP).
  • Supported IGPs are OSPF and IS-IS.

What is MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE)?

  • Essentially Quality of Service for MPLS environment.
  • Control Plane Protocol used for TE is Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)
  • RSVP is actually a signaling protocol to request resource reservations from the network
  • RSVP can generate and process Protocol Request Messages.

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