How to make inclusion work?

12 important questions on How to make inclusion work?

Which factors influence the inequality between minorty and majority?

Unnecessary mutual prudence
Post bureaucratic communication norms
Post bureaucratic work norms
Post bureaucratic labour control
Post bureaucratic psychotherapeutic management

What is unnecessary mutual prudence? And what is a possible intervention?

Migrants get jobs below their qualifications and this harms their future career development and poduces inequality. A possible intervention is to select on credentials only and stop hiring below formal levels.

What is post bureaucratic communication norms? And what is a possible intervention?

Migrants are less involved and less visible in work communication and thus get lower scores as communication is a part of performance assessments. A possible intervention is to make the expectations more explicit, try to avoid fuzzy language use and imposing language rules. 
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What are post bureaucratic work norms? And what is a possible intervention?

Migrants prefer to work on their own, are less visible in team work and score lower on their assessment. A possible intervention is to allow diversity in work methods. And to assess on output and not on the process.

What is post bureaucratic labour control? And  what is a possible intervention?

Migrants prefer technocratic labour control, and score lower on their assessment wit socio ideological control. Moreover uncertain people do not want to be assessed on their personality and identity, while not being sure wether they are accepted. A possible intervention is to downsize and reframe your competence profiles, frame your labour control procedures and practices in bureaucratic ways.

What is post bureaucratic psychotherapeutic management? And what are possible interventions?

total scope of control over someone's person and life, no longer respect of weberian separation between person and function and between work and private life. Discrimination ; when a decision is made on characteristics that are not work related. But on factors such as own identity. A possible intervention take seriously views of all parties, consider unequal power relations, downsize competence profiles, mind your own business, take hierarchical action. 

Why this research? Siebers (2009) strugles for recognition

To understanding identity in organizations and to study the constructions that effect racioethnic identity.

What says the existing literature? Siebers (2009) strugles for recognition?

they distinguish tree orientations of identity:

  1. functional orientation: is ineterested in organizational outcomes and focus on the consequenses of identity constructions (artefarc)
  2. interpretive/ hermeneutics orientation: (meaning) how individuals position themselves.
  3. critical orientation; the focus is on management instruments and discourses that shap identify constructions trough various control techniques

What are the important findings? Siebers (2009) struggles for recognition?

The identity constructions are intersectionality and organizational whiteness.

intersectionality: focus on individual identity narratives and another focus on systems of oppression and domination. The challange is to integrate both.

organizational whiteness: white men determined definitions of a good colleague and the determined definitions of work and careers.

Why this research? Siebers (2009) post bureaucratic?

to answer the question which neutral organizational practices work out differently for various racioethnic groups and why do so?

What are the important findings? Siebers (2009) post bureacratic?

  1. minortity members have stronger preferences towards technocratic control.
  2. minority memebers have stronger preferences to work alone and are less involved in work communication
  3. minority members have lower identification with their team and hove lower attachment to their work.
  4. minority memebers disadvantaged position is due to the dicrepancy between 1, 2 and 3.

What can we do with it? Siebers (2009) post bureacratic?

  • post bureaucratic ways of controlling labour, reinforce this racioethnic inequality.
  • bureaucratic structured way of processess curb racioethnic inequality and post bureaucratic structured processes fuel racioethnic inequality
  • beside prejudice, sterotypes and discriminatory attitudes are neutral organizational practices also causes of racioethnic inequality: the way in which labour is controlled and how the primary porcess is organized can either fuel or curb racioethnic inequality.

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