Inclusion vs exclusion & similarities

14 important questions on Inclusion vs exclusion & similarities

Why does similarity promote attraction?

Especially attitudes and values are important
Similar people validate our beliefs and orientations
   Effectance motive: we have the same norms
   Positive reinforcement: i feel good about myself, and thus i wanne be with       you
Simular others have qualities we like
We also aspect people simular to us to like us and we think to know how to behave.

Is stereotyping a guide interpretation for behaviour?


yes (stone) "white men can't jump; people thougt the black baseballplayer was more atletic and the white baseballplayer was more smart. this is information processing bias: people tend to look for confirming information and see only confirming information.

What is dissimilarity repulsion hypothesis?

the hypothesis that we move away from people who are different to us. this is only the first meeting.
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What is the common ingroup identity model?

contact is benificial when it transforms two groups to one inclusive supreordinate group

What is mutual ingroup differentiation model?

contact should be preserve the salience of the original groups. distinctiviness shoeld be recognized.

What is contact hypothesis?

by promoting contacts between groups, the negative attitude towards an out-group would be challanged

What is dual categorization model?

in which superordinate and sbgroup identiy are acknowledged and promoted simultanously

What is the optimal distinctiviness theory?

implies that activation of highly inclusive superordinate identities will be beneficial only if this is balanced by the simultaneous activation of more focused distinctive group identities

What is intersubgroup similarity?

subgroup members will resist being categorisized entirely at the superordinate level if subgroups are seen to be essentially different

What is subjective ethnolingiustic vitality?

belief that people have about how well an ethnic cultural subgroup is going to survive in a multiethnic setting which there is a singel dominant cultural group

What is the conclusion of the article? Hornsey and Hogs?

choose the dual categorization model and minmize the treat to identity is very important.

Why this research? Schaafsma (2008) interethnic relations at work

there is still litle insight into how and why experiences with interethnic relations may differ.

What are the important findings? Schaafsma (2008) interethnic relations at work

Overall the experiences were positive except if ethnic differences were perceived to affect people:

  1. sense of achievement: if language or cultural convictions cause that work goals are not achieved.
  2. sense of belonging: when there is a clique formation of a us vs them feeling
  3. sense of equality: when there is procedural justice

What can we do with it? Schaafsma (2008) interethnic relations at work

if we know which factors employees evaluate interethnic relations to be negative, you can influence them

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