Stereotypes, inclusions in organizations & policies to promote inclusion

7 important questions on Stereotypes, inclusions in organizations & policies to promote inclusion

What is the stereotype treat theory?

the fact that if you will be evaluate on your group/ethnicity create uncertainty and may influence your performance. you want ot be judged on personal characteristics.

How does stereotype treat work?

our concious capacity is limited, when we are confronted with stereotyping we start thinking about that and we become nervous and thinking about that as well and thus we are less focused and our performance becomes less good.

What are equal employment opportunity policies?

a more passive category of policies, such as checking wheter there are things in the company that limit or favor certain groups, such as criteria which are used or HR practices.
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Why do people not like inequality and prefer one group over another?

1. fearness

2. hierarchy legitimizing beliefs

3. threat

4. self- and collective interest

What about hierarchy legitimizing beliefs?

hierarchies cause inequalities; people want to explain these inequalities (why someone earn more money than someone else) and thus form ideologies which legitimize these inequalities. (meritocracy, pejudice, racism)

Why this research? Bobocel, Son Hing, Davey, Stanley and Zanna (1998)

is the concern for justice a genuine determant of attitudes toward social policies?

What can we do with it? Bobocel, Son Hing, Davey, Stanley and Zanna (1998)

our data support the notion that the concern for justice is distinguishable form prejudice as a guinine source of opposition to AA

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