Kidneys - Parts of the Nephron
17 important questions on Kidneys - Parts of the Nephron
What substances do the parts of the nephron take back as much as possible?
- a lot of water
- Na+
What do 15-20% of human nephrons have?
What can human nephrons do?
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Which loops do kangaroo rats have and how much plasma?
Which loops do freswater fishes have and how much plasma?
What happends in the dista convoluted tubule?
What happends within specialized secretion and reabsorption?
- Hormone mediated regulation of uptake of solutes and water
- Reabsorb Na+ in response to aldosterone
- Secretes excess K+
What is the function of the collecting duct?
To which hormone do the parts of the nephron respond?
How is the anti diruetic hormone (ADH) also known?
What happends when ADH is not present?
Which substance reduces (verminderd) production of ADH
What are influences by less production of ADH?
- more water lost with urine than wanted
- becoming thirsty
How does the Nephron regulates pH of urine?
What do CI-/HCO3- do?
What does the loop of henle establishes (vaststellen)?
What is permeable (doorlaatbaar) in the decending limb (aflopende/dalende richting)
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