Kidneys - Kidney structure and function

8 important questions on Kidneys - Kidney structure and function

How much layers does the typical mammalian kidney have?

The typical mammalian kidney is crescent-shaped with 2 layers

Where does the urine pass when it is formed?

Once urine is formed it passes into a cavity called the minor calyx

Where do multiple minor calyces drain in?

Multiple minor calyces drain into the major calyx
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What does the major calyx empty?

The major calyx empties into ureters that drain the kidney

Where do the ureters empty?

The ureters empty into the urinary bladder

What is the dutch name for the renal cortex?

The dutch name for the renal cortex is the nierschors

What is the dutch name of the renal medulla?

The dutch name for the renal medulla is niermerg

Which part can be find in the renal medulla and what is there inside?

The part which can be find in the renal medulla is the Renal Pyramid and there inside is the papilla

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