Chromatin organization and function genetics

7 important questions on Chromatin organization and function genetics

What is mitotic epigenetics?

- parental imprinting, difference in phenotype when inherited trough the mother or father.
- Random X-chromosome inactivation --> calico cat, fur colour one epigenetical change in one cell will be present in all daughter cells.
- Random silencing of specific genes --> tumour suppressor

What are epigenetical mechanisms?

- methylation of the DNA, the promoter stops working.
- Histone modifications, PTM on the N terminal tail of the histones.
DNA methylation and histone modification are linked.
- RNA dependent silencing
- Higher order chromatin, 3D interaction of the chromatin, Chromosomes can silence each other.

How does methylation of C DNA work?

Transcription is impeded when the chromatin is highly packed.
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Why are transposons dangerous?

DNA transposons are dangerous because they can insert into genes and disrupt gene function.

What is a DNA fingerprint?

Using a combination of restriction enzymes and selective amplification.

How can methylation be detected?

- fingerprinting with a methyl sensitive restriction enzymes.

What is chromatin immunoprecipitation?

- nucleae --> formaldehyde
- cross link DNA
- break the nucleosome in very small parts. --> small nucleosome parts with DNA attached to it.
- Primary anti body that recognises methylated DNA.
- secondary antibody is linked to iron.
- methylated DNA can than be subtracted with a magnet.

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