Lecture Four : Plasma Membranes and Organelles

9 important questions on Lecture Four : Plasma Membranes and Organelles

What are the Key Organelles in BOTH animal and plant Cells ? What Organelles make them different from one another ?

Both cells have a Nucleus Envelope, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Apparatus and Mitochondria.

Animal Cells have lysosomes whereas Plant Cells have a Central Vacuole and Chloroplasts.

Explain Why organelles and subcellular compartments are important in cells ?

They carry out essential functions that are necessary for the survival of cells like harvesting energy, making new proteins and getting rid of wastes

Describe the Structure of the Plasma Membrane

  • The plasma membrane is a double layer of fat known as phospholipid bilayer which has proteins embedded in it.
  • It has a hydrophobic phosphate head, which points to the outside of the cell.
  • Also has a hydrophilic tail with fatty acids , which points to the inside of the cell. 
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Explain the importance of the Plasma membrane to cell function

The plasma membrane is the cells external surface and its very important to cell function because it controls what moves in and out of the cell.
They are selective and permeable, meaning it allows certain molecules and ions that are beneficial to survival, to enter the cell.

Explain the mechanisms of Passive Transport - Simple Diffusion ?

It is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. They move down their concentration gradient and thus do not require any form of energy.
  • Only lipid soluble and hydrophobic molecules can diffuse through the membrane but water, ions and glucose can't.

Explain the mechanisms of Passive Transport - Facilitated Diffusion ?

Movement of hydrophilic molecules through a integral protein channel/carrier. Moving down its concentration gradient and thus do not require any form of energy.
  • Channels like aquaporins allow osmosis.
  • Carriers undergo a shape change to help guide the molecule and these channels can be gated by charge or chemicals.
  • Water, glucose and ions are examples of substances that move through these protein channels in the cell membrane.

What are the different concentrations in Osmosis and its affect ?

There are 3 types of concentrations :
  • Hypotonic : Low solution of solutes but very high water potential.
- The cell starts to grow bigger and bigger, causing it to burst.
  • Hypertonic : High solution of solutes but very low water potential.
- The cell shrinks.
  • Isotonic : Both solutions of solutes and water is equally balanced.

Explain the Mechanisms of Active Transport - Direct Transport & Indirect Transport

DIRECT : Directly uses ATP as energy to move molecules up their concentration gradient. The protons are moving from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration.
  • Has a proton pump which is controlled by ATP.

INDIRECT : When the energy source comes from other molecules that are moving down their concentration gradient to power the transport.
  • Moves specific substances AGAINST the concentration gradient

Explain the different roles of membrane proteins ?


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