Molecular Biology and Genetics - Lecture Thirteen : Eukaryotic cell division - Mitosis

6 important questions on Molecular Biology and Genetics - Lecture Thirteen : Eukaryotic cell division - Mitosis

What are the formations of the Cell Cycle?

Sequential events that occur to prepare cells for cell division. It is a 4 stage process:
  • Gap 1: increase in size
  • Synthesis: DNA replication
  • Gap 2: prepares to divide
  • Mitotic phase: mitosis & cytokinesis 

G1, S & G2 = Also seen as interphase for growth !!
  • Interphase ends at the end of G2, where cell has grown enough cellular material for two cells and has 2 complete copies of uncondensed DNA

What happens during Prophase in Mitosis?

  • Initiates DNA condensation
  • Homologous sister chromatids pair up
  • Connected at centromere to form X-shaped chromosomes
  • Early synthesis of spindle fibres

What happens during Prometaphase in Mitosis ?

  • Break down of nuclear envelope
  • Spindle fibres continue to form connections between centrioles and chromosome
  • Kinetochore microtubules are parts of the spindle fibres which attach to the chromosome
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What happens during Anaphase in Mitosis?

  • Kinetochore spindles shorten, such that sister chromatids are separated and pulled towards each spindle pole
  • Non-kinetochore lengthen and elongates the cell

What happens during Telophase in Mitosis?

  • Nuclear envelope reform
  • Followed by cytokinesis where cleavage furrow deepens and divides cell into 2 daughter cells
  • They will each re-enter interphase to begin cell cycle

What are the functions of Mitosis ?

  • Mitosis is the events that organize the cell and Duplicated chromosomes for cell division via cytokinesis.
  • It is part of the whole cell cycle, where the cell leaves interphase and is ready to replicate it self

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