Microbiology - Lecture Twenty Seven : Introduction to Prokaryotic Cells

11 important questions on Microbiology - Lecture Twenty Seven : Introduction to Prokaryotic Cells

Name the structural components of a generalized prokaryotic(bacterial) cell

  • Does not have a nuclear envelope nor membrane-bound organelles
  • Has peptidoglycan in cell wall
  • Has circular chromosomes
  • Does not grow at temperatures >100 degrees

What are the functions of the structural components of a bacterial cell ?

  • Cell wall : Resists osmotic pressure
  • Capsule : Protection and biofilms
  • Flagella : Movement
  • Pili : Attachment & adhesive
  • Cytoplasm : Site of metabolic reactions, especially protein synthesis which occurs in ribosomes
  • Cytoplasmic membrane : limits access to the cells interior
  • DNA (nucleoid) : Genetic code

What is the structure of Peptidoglycan in cell walls?

Transpeptidase : the enzyme that cross-links the peptidoglycan chains to form rigid cell walls.
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What is the function of the cell wall (peptidoglycan)?

  • Rigid macromolecular layer that provides strength to cell
  • Protects cells from osmotic lysis and confers cell shape

Explain the methods of Gram stain and the two types of peptidoglycan cell wall

  • Add  crystal violet (purple dye)
  • Add iodine (mordant to stabilise)
  • Wash with alcohol
  • Add safranin (counterstain)

  • Thick peptidoglycan layer (20-80nm)
  • Eg staphylococcus aureus
  • Traps crystal violet dye even with washing
  • Masks the red safranin dye

  • Thin peptidoglycan layer (5-10nm)
  • Eg Escheria coli
  • Crystal violet dye easily washed away
  • Displays the red-pink safranin dye

What is the structure and function of a Bacterial flagella ?

  • Motile bacteria produce flagella
  • Long flexible appendage resembling "tails"
  • Proteinaceous 10-20nm in diameter, 5-10/cell
  • Number of flagella and location on cell surface varies

  • Act like a propeller : cell rotates them to move through a liquid medium

What are the 3 major sections of the flagella ?

  1. Long filament (F) : extends into surrounding medium. It is composed of subunits called proteins.
  2. Hook (H) : curved section connecting the filament to the cell surface
  3. Basal Body (BB) : anchors the flagellum into the cell membrane of the bacterium by special disc-shaped structures called plates or rings.

What are the mechanisms of chemotaxis ?

Chemotaxis is when bacteria move along a concentration gradient towards a chemical attractant (positive) or away from a chemical repellant (negative)
  • Bacteria sense the change in chemical concentration outside the cell over time "temporal gradients" and thus respond to the change in concentration as the cell moves
  • TOO small to sense SPATIAL GRADIENT

What is the structure and function of a Fimbriae

  • Projections on cell surface, shorter and more numerous (100- 1000) than flagella
  • Inherited advantageous trait, not all bacteria have them
  • Functions as an adherence factor
- Stick to surfaces (closer to food source) - Stick to other cells

What is the structure and function of a Glycocalyx capsule of a bacterial cell?

  • Gelatinous (sticky) polysaccharide or polypeptide with meshwork of fibres
  • Virulence factor = organized fibres and stick firm to cell
  • Slime layer = unorganized, loose to cell
  • Function :
1. Adherence factor
2. Prevent cell from drying out (desiccation)
3. Virulence factor (ability to cause disease, evades phagocytosis by immune cells)

What are Bacterial Endospores ?

  • Sporulation, formation of spores, occurs under growth and germinate conditions (unfavorable for growth)
- High cell density (Nutrient depletion & waste buildup)
- UV or chemical
  • Only occurs in gram positive cells
- Bacillus anthracis
- Clostridium difficile

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