Lecture Five :Endomembrane System & Bulk Transport Processes

10 important questions on Lecture Five :Endomembrane System & Bulk Transport Processes

What is meant by the Endomembrane System and outline what organelles they include ?

It is a membrane system interconnected by direct physical contact or transfer by vesicles.

The organelles included are :

  • Nuclear envelope
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (Smooth and Rough)
  • Golgi Apparatus
  • Vesicles
  • Plasma membrane
  • Lysosomes (animal cells)
  • Vacuoles (plant cells)  

What are the functions of the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (sER) ?

  • Metabolism of carbohydrates
  • Lipid synthesis for membranes
  • Detoxification of drugs and poisons
  • Storage (and release) of calcium ions, which is used as a signal in the cell

What is a Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and its function ?

It has a rough appearance due to ribosomes.
Functions are :
  • Involved in protein synthesis.
  • Secretes membrane-bound proteins that enter the lumen of the rER.
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What is a Golgi Apparatus and its function ?

A Golgi apparatus is a series of membrane sacks which are associated with vesicles.
It has polarity because it contains two distinct faces where different things are occurring.
- "CIS" face : vesicles arriving
- "TRANS" face : vesicles leaving 

Main function is that the Golgi apparatus receives, modifies, sorts and ships proteins arriving from the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

What are vesicles and its function ?

Vesicles have a phospholipid bilayer membrane. This is to maintain its integrity and to do its job of separating the inside from the outside.
Proteins are packed into these vesicles which are then transported to the Golgi Apparatus.

Main function is transportation.  

What is a lysosome and its function ?

Lysosomes are vesicles that contain modified proteins called hydrolytic enzymes.
Function :
  • Digest and recycle unwanted cellular materials. 

Explain the structure of the Vacuole and its functions ?

Single membrane organelle that has high selectivity to movement of molecules.
Functions :
  • Can perform lysosome-like functions
  • Large central vacuoles absorbs water allowing plant cells to grow without a large increase in cytoplasm.

Explain the Bulk Transport processes of exocytosis - Constitutive and Regulated

Transportation of materials out of the cell. This can either be excreted to the cytoplasm or put on the cell surface.
It is an ongoing relatively unregulated process. It is where the proteins made are secreted to outside of the cell.
This is more tightly regulated because the vesicles contain substances that is secreted, it changes the environment outside the cell.

Explain the Bulk Transport processes of Endocytosis - Phagocytosis and Pinocytosis

Materials moving into the cell. All these substances become encased with the buddings off of the plasma membrane, becoming a vacuole.
PHAGOCYTOSIS : cell "eating"
  • Pseudopodia outstretch, fuses and encases the food or bacteria.
  • This forms a phagocytic vacuole which is digested by the lysosomes. In humans , this occurs in macrophages.
PINOCYTOSIS : cell "drinking"
  • This is a drink of solutes from outside the cell.
  • After a Pina colada, there is not much regulation or control. 

Explain the Bulk Transport Process - Receptor mediated Endocytosis

This a specialized form of pinocytosis. This is where the receptors from the outside of the cell mediates what comes in. Allowing bulk quantities of specific substances which may be present at only low concentrations in the extracellular matrix.
Receptor proteins are used to selectively capture the required solute.

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