Microbiology - Lecture Thirty Four : Microbial Genetics

6 important questions on Microbiology - Lecture Thirty Four : Microbial Genetics

What are the properties of bacterial genome ?

  • Single circular chromosome
  • No nuclear membrane
  • Nucleoid : defined, non-membrane bound region that chromosome occupies within cell
  • Plasmids : smaller, self-replicating, circular DNA found in cytosol (separate to the chromosome)

What are the differences between vertical and horizontal gene transfer ?

  • Gene transferred onto the next generation of daughter cells
  • E.g parent --> offspring
  • Genes transferred onto the same generation of cells
  • Recipient cell can be of different species to donor
  • Main mechanism of transferring genes to maintain virulence
  • E.g one organism --> another living organism

What are the 4 strategies that generate genetic diversity in bacteria ?

Bacteria have incredible genetic diversity, due to the following things:
  • Mutations
  • Transformation
  • Transduction
  • Conjugation
These factors, along with their shorter lifespans and shorter replication cycles (binary fissions), allows genetic variation to occur much quicker
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Explain the "Transformation" strategy that generate diversity in bacteria ?

  • Occurs when recipient cell takes up DNA fragments from the environment or surroundings
  • This DNA is from nearby dead organisms)
  • Competency = cell’s ability to take up DNA from their environment

Explain the "Transduction" strategy that generate genetic diversity in bacteria ?

  • Transfer of DNA via replicating virus (bacteriophage)
  • Occurs as replicating bacteriophage may accidentally incorporate some of the host cell’s DNA into its own viral genome
  • Important tool for horizontal gene transfer in gram +ve bacteria (as their cell capsule is very impenetrable)
  • Donor cell dies, as the the replicating bacteriophage lyse the cell in order to infect other bacterial hosts

Explain the "Conjugation" strategy that generate genetic diversity in bacteria ?

  • Donor cell stays alive
  • Requires cell-cell contact
  • 1 single stranded DNA from the donor plasmid is transferred via a sex pili (thin, fibrous protein tube) to the recipient cell
  • The recipient cell then replicates the donor DNA strand : double stranded donor DNA plasmid
  • Often a process used to transfer antibiotic resistant genes

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