EMF, 2013 - From linear to circular

7 important questions on EMF, 2013 - From linear to circular

On which simpel principles is the circular economy based?

  1. Design out waste and pollution: product designed for diassembly and refurbishment
  2. Keep products and materials in use
  3. Regenerate natural systems

What are the four things that a circular economy is as an industrial economy?

  1. Restorative by intention
  2. Rely on renewable energy
  3. Minimizes, tracks and eliminates the use of toxic chemicals
  4. Eradicates waste through careful design

What are the two types of materials flows in the circular economy?

  1. Biological nutrients, designed to re-enter the biosphere safely
  2. Technical nutrients, designed to circulate at high quality without entering the biosphere
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In terms of waste is food, which nutrient sides should be taken into account?

On the biological nutrient side, re-enter products and materials back into the biosphere through non-toxic, restorative loops
On the technical nutrient side, improvements in qualtiy (upcycling).

What does the concept of eco-effectiveness propose, in contrast to eco-efficiency that focuses on minimsation and dematerialisation?

Eco-effectiveness proposes the transformation of products and their associated material flows such that they form a supportive relationship with ecological systems and future economic growth.

What are some of the benefits on the long-term of circularity on material stocks?

  • Need for virgin material extraction would decrease substantially
  • Growth of landfill and total material stock would decrease

What are the 3 circular strategies as mentioned by Atasu et al. 2021?

  1. Retaining product ownership: circularity-as-a-service (Michelin Tyres, Philips Lighting = selling hours of light); negative cases: (Interface Carpets pre-2000)
  2. Product life extension: long lasting products (Patagonia)
  3. Design for recycling: eco-efficiency and innovation (Fairphone)

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