Raworth, 2018 - Doughnut Economy

6 important questions on Raworth, 2018 - Doughnut Economy

What is the starting point of a doughnut economy?

The hole in the middle is a place where people are falling short on life's essentials. Get everybody out of the hole over the social foundation and into the green doughnut itself.

Why is this a double sided challenge?

Because we aim to meet the needs of all within the means of the planet.

What does the doughnut invite?

A new shape of progress, no longer the ever-rising line of growth, but a sweet spot for humanity, thriving in dynamic balance between the foundation and the ceiling.
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We need to create economies that tackle the shortfall and overshoot together, how?

By design.

What is our current degenerative economy, as visualised in the figure to the left, (pushing us over planetary boundaries) requiring us to do?

Bend the arrows around and create a regenerative and distributive economy working within the planet's ecological limits.

What are the opportunities that we have to make our economy degenertive by design?

Design technologies and insitutions to distribute wealth, knowledge and empowerment to many going from fossil fuels to renewable energy, digital platforms etc.

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