EMF, 2013 - Joyce & Paquin, 2016 - Layers of the TLBMC

5 important questions on EMF, 2013 - Joyce & Paquin, 2016 - Layers of the TLBMC

As discussed earlier, the three layers of the TLBMC are the economic layer, environmental layer and social layer. What is the economic layer based on?

The Business Model Canvas of Osterwalder and Pigneur with 9 components.

What is the main objective of the environmental layer of the TLBMC?

Appraise how the organization generates more environmental benefits than environmental impacts.

What are the 9 environmental layer components as discussed in the article?

  1. Functional value
  2. Materials
  3. Production
  4. Supplies and outsourcing
  5. Distribution
  6. Use Phase
  7. End-of-life
  8. Environmental impacts
  9. Environmental benefits
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What is a key point of using the social layer of the TLBMC?

Extend the original business model canvas through a stakeholder approach to both capture the mutual influences between stakeholders and the organization + key social impacts of organisation deriving from those relationships.

What are the 9 social layer components?

  1. Social value
  2. Employee
  3. Governance
  4. Communities
  5. Societal culture
  6. Scale of outreach
  7. End-users
  8. Social impacts
  9. Social benefits

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