Joyce & Paquin, 2016 - Layers of the TLBMC - Environmental Layer

6 important questions on Joyce & Paquin, 2016 - Layers of the TLBMC - Environmental Layer

What does functional value mean?

focal (centre) outputs of a service (or product)

What is understood when speaking of supplies and outsourcing?

It represents all the other various material and production activities that are necessary for the functional value but not considered 'core' to the organization.

The distribution for the environmental layer is similar to the distribution of the original business model, what is it?

It involves the transportation of goods.
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What does the use phase entail?

The impact of the client's partaking in the organization's functional value, or core service and/or product.

What is argued to be the end-of-life?

When the client chooses to end the consumption of the functional value and entails issues of material reuse such as (remanufacturing, repurposing, recycling, disassembly, incineration) or disposal of a product.

What are the environmental benefits?

Extend the concept of value creation beyond purely financial value. It encompasses the ecological value the organization creates through environmental impact reductions and even regenerative positive ecologoical value.

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