Joyce & Paquin, 2016 - Layers of the TLBMC - Social Layer

7 important questions on Joyce & Paquin, 2016 - Layers of the TLBMC - Social Layer

What does the social value entail? (also shared value)

Speaks to the aspect of an organization's mission which focuses on creating benefit for its stakeholders and society more broadly.

What is understood when speaking of employees?

Considering the role of employees as a core organisational stakeholder.

What does the governance entail?

The organisational structure and decision-making policies of an oragnisation.
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What is understood under communities?

Social relationships built with suppliers and local communities,  mutually beneficial relationships can lead to great success.

What does the societal culture component recognise?

The potential impact of an organisation on society as a whole.

What does scale of outreach refer to?

It describes the depth and breadth of the relationships an organisation builds with its stakeholders.

What does the social impacts component address?

The social costs of an organisation.

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