Deadly tidal wave
8 important questions on Deadly tidal wave
what did there all happen with the mega earthquake
9 on the richter scale
happened at a depth of almost thirthy kilometres
last ten minutes
enormous tremor lifted 1200 kilometres of ocean floor and trew it back again
what happen with the tsunami when the water became shallower?
the speed of the front part of the wave slowed a few kilometres an hour
the last part moved fast and cought up the front part
this caused a shorter wave that was several metres high
that tsunami hit the land at a fast speed and the force was so strong that it destroyed large parts
what gave governments organizations and ordinary people after the tsunami?
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why was there a lot of criticism
which two types of development cooperation are there?
sustainable development aid-emergency aid
joint venture
where does sustainable development aid and emergency aid depends on ?
what is sustainable development aid
where does joint venture depend on ?
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