Umami and taste enhancement - Taste enhancing molecules of Maillard origin

6 important questions on Umami and taste enhancement - Taste enhancing molecules of Maillard origin

Which Maillard-reaction-derived compound can be an umami-active molecule?


How is alapyridaine generated during food processing?

From hexoses and (L)-alanine, forming an unsaturated nitrogen containing ring structure.

In which products is alapyridaine present?

In beef broth
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What is the functionality of alapyridaine?

It can enhance:
  • the sweetness of sugars
  • the saltiness of sodium chloride
  • the umami taste of MSG

How does the stereochemistry of alapyridaine effect enhancement of taste modalities?

  • Racemic mixture --> threshold for all three taste modalities was decreased
  • (+)-(S)-enantiomer --> taste-enhancing effect increased for all taste modalities
  • (-)-(R)-enantiomer --> nothing

What is the downside of applying  alapyridaine (look-alike)?

  • They should be applied at equimolar concentrations as the actual tastant.
  • Similar concentrations of e.g. Sucrose and alapyridaine are required to reach the desired effect.
  • Dosage of such high amounts is too expensive in applications.

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