Bubbles in bread - Determining dough quality

4 important questions on Bubbles in bread - Determining dough quality

When does one speak of optimal mixing?

If the flour particles (i.e. Starch and protein) are completely hydrated with incorporation of carbon dioxide.

How can the dough quality be determined?

By the micro-mixograph. It mixes a wheat flour suspension into a dough. The resistance against mixing is measured continuously and plotted versus the time. The area under the curve indicates the resistance of the dough, and is a measure for dough quality.

What is good baking and poor baking wheat flour?

  • Good baking --> develops resistance (strength) easily, and can maintain its resistance throughout mixing
  • Poor baking --> develops resistance, but loses this quickly as well
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How can the structure and stability of bread dough be improved, other than careful selecting the wheat flour?

Several enzymes can be used as a kind of processing aid, which target either gluten proteins (transglutaminase) or carbohydrates (endo-xylanase) within the flour.

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