Bubbles in bread - Wheat gluten proteins are responsible for gas retention in bread

17 important questions on Bubbles in bread - Wheat gluten proteins are responsible for gas retention in bread

Which main type of proteins are present in flour?

  • Albumins
  • Globulins
  • Prolamins/gliadins
  • Glutelines/glutenins

What is the function of albumins and globulins in bread?

They are physiologically active proteins and have a better amino acid composition with respect to nutritional value.

What is the function of prolamins/gliadins and glutelins/glutenins?

Storage proteins within the cereal, which are ultimately responsible for the structure of the bread
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How can the different protein fractions in wheat flour be obtained by the Osborne fractionation?

Wheat flour + H2O = albumins
Residue + 0.4 M salt = globulins
Residue + 70% ethanol = prolamins/gliadins
Residue = glutelines/glutenins

Which isoforms of gliadins exist?

Alpha, gamma and omega (w)

Which 2 glutenins exist?

  • Low molecular weight (LMW) 40%
  • High molecular weight (HMW) 10%

What is the molecular weight of gliadins?

40 kDa

What is the molecular weight of glutenins?

100-1000 kDa

What is the difference between gliadins and glutenins?

  • Glutenins are rich in cysteine residues, that have the ability to form disulfide bridges. These disulfide bridges are formed during mixing and are responsible for the gas holding capacity of the dough. Resistant to extension and provide strength to the dough, but prone to rupture
  • Gliadins --> no disulfide bridging, sticky and cohesive mass, very elastic

What does the combination of glutenins and gliadins give?

It provides strength and elasticity to the dough. The gluten network is formed via the formation of disulfide bridges and hydrogen bonding.

What is the strength of the gluten network and baking properties determined by?

The ratio between glutenins and gliadins in the flour. The HMW glutenins are characteristic of high quality baking flour.

How can gliadins and glutenins be separated?

On molecular weight, so SDS-PAGE

What is the function of Beta-mercaptoethanol?

It breaks the disulfide bridges in proteins, which facilitates unfolding of protein

What causes the variability in protein composition of gluten?

The protein extracts from different wheat cultivars.

Which protein is most important for the baking characteristics?

HMW glutenins

How does a sequence of a HMW glutenin look like?

Left side: N-terminal --> 89-104 residues and cysteine residues
Middle: Central repetitive domain: 480-700 amino acid residues --> responsible for the actual molecular weight of the glutenin
Right side: C-terminal --> 42 amino acid residues of which one cysteine

Why are glutenins resistant against extension?

They have an extensive disulfide bridging. The cysteine residue can form both intra-molecular and inter-molecular disulfide bridges within and between HMW glutenins. Both single and double connections can be formed between proteins, and in this way an extensive covalent network is created, which has the ability to keep CO2 in the bread upon leavening.

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