Crystal control in ice cream - Biological functions of ice-binding proteins

5 important questions on Crystal control in ice cream - Biological functions of ice-binding proteins

What are the biological functions of IBPs?

  1. Antifreeze
  2. Ice structuring
  3. Ice adhesion
  4. Ice nucleation
  5. Inhibition of ice-recrystallization

How do IBPs function as ice-structuring?

IBPs from algae create a liquid habitat around the algae, preventing them from freezing in sea ice.

How do IBPs function as ice-adhesion?

IBPs in the bacterium Marinomas primoryensis facilitate ice-adhesion, i.e. Attachment of the bacterium to ice on Antarctic lakes to ensure access to oxygen and nutrients.
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How do IBPs function ice-nucleation?

It is thought that the ice-nucleating proteins control the location of ice-formation (i.e. Extracellularly), and thereby protect the cytosol from freezing.

How do IBPs function inhibition of ice-recrystallisation?

In the absence of IBPs ice crystals will grow at the expense of smaller ones, due to water migration (i.e. Ostwald ripening). Due to IBPs coating the ice crystal surfaces, the water movement is inhibited.

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