Crystal control in ice cream - Hyperactive antifreeze proteins

4 important questions on Crystal control in ice cream - Hyperactive antifreeze proteins

What is the function of IBPs in plants?

To help the host tolerate freezing, rather than resist it. IBPs inhibit the growth of large ice crystals that may result in dehydration and mechanical damage to the surrounding tissues.

What is the function of IBPs in fish and insects?

To prevent their body fluids from freezing at temperatures below zero.

Why are IBPs from insects hyperactive?

Because they encounter more extreme subzero temperatures, they are more effective in coping with those temperatures.
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What could be a possible explanation for the hyperactivity of IBPs from insects?

That the IBPs can bind to the basal plane. If IBPs from insects can bind to all ice planes, there is no longer an exposed sensitive basal plane and crystal growth is protected to lower temperatures. Upon more extreme subzero temperatures ice crystals covered with hyperactive IBPs show growth in the plane of the a-axis, it is suggested that this is the weakest plane in case of binding from IBPs to all planes.

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