Beer foam - Barley proteins involved in beer from formation

8 important questions on Beer foam - Barley proteins involved in beer from formation

Which components are present in beer foam?

  • Lipid Transfer Protein 1 (LTP 1)
  • indolines
  • protein Z
  • hop acids

Which components are present in beer foam?

  • Lipid Transfer Protein 1 (LTP 1)
  • indolines
  • protein Z
  • hop acids

What is the assumed mechanism of beer foam formation and stabilisation?

Various compounds bind to the CO2/water interface, stabilising the foam cells that are formed.
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Why does LTP1 have to be denatured?

  • In its native state --> LTP1 has poor foaming properties
  • Only foam promoting agent after unfolding upon wort boiling
  • Denaturation of LTP1 --> exposure of the interior apolar cavity --> hydrophobic regions adsorb more efficiently at the air-water interface (sticks with apolar sites to the air bubbles)
  • LTP1 is glycosylated due to Maillard reactions occurring during malting --> hinders protein precipitation upon unfolding, which occurs after wort boiling

Which 2 processes increase the amphiphilic character of LTP1 polypeptides can contribute to a better adsorption at air-water interfaces?

  • Glycosylation
  • Unfolding

Which 2 processing steps are important for the adsorption of LTP1 at air-water interfaces?

  • Wort boiling --> unfolding
  • Malting --> glycosylation due to Maillard reactions

Which hydrophobic bittering agents in beer foam have a role in controlling foam stability?

Iso-alpha-acids derived from hop

How do the iso-alpha-acids in beer foam control foam stability?

  • The iso-alpha-acids interact with hydrophobic proteins and peptides, such as LTP1, and connect different proteins at the interface.
  • Creates a film (via bridges between adsorbed proteins) that is more resistant to foam drainage --> improving foam stability

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