Sweetness and sweeteners - Sweet macromolecules

4 important questions on Sweetness and sweeteners - Sweet macromolecules

How are sweet macromolecules usually produced?

In fruits to attract insects and therewith ensure the spreading of their seeds and continuation of the plant as such.

What is a drawback of the Monellin A+B heterodimer?

It denatures a high temperatures. This reduces the applicability in foods

How can the heat sensitivity of Monellin A+B be solved?

Generating a semi-synthetic protein, by expressing recombinant Monellin I gene in yeasts. In the Monellin I gene the sequences encoding the A and B subunit of the heterodimer are fused, generating one protein in which these subunits are covalently linked.
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What does it mean when the macromolecules have taste-modifying proteins?

They are not sweet on their own (miraculin/neoculin) but taste extremely sweet when brought at low pH, e.g. In acidic beverages.

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