Sweetness and sweeteners - Blocking sweet taste

4 important questions on Sweetness and sweeteners - Blocking sweet taste

Which receptor is involved in the lactisole blocking?

T1R3, because it is the common receptor in both sweet and umami receptor dimers and lactisole blocks both sweet and umami taste.

Does lactisole block the receptor activity completely?

Yes, for almost all compounds. However, for sweet proteins not (e.g. Brazzein). The activity is significantly reduced but not 0.

Which domain of the T1R3 receptor is involved in the lactisole binding?

The C-terminal transmembrane domain.
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How does lactisole block the sweet response?

It blocks the increase in intracellular (Ca2+), no sweet response is measured.
  • One of the histidine residues of importance is positively charged at physiological pH and forms a salt bridge with the negatively charged carboxyl group of lactisole.
  • One of the alanine residues is assumed to have hydrophobic interaction with the methoxy-group.
  • Binding of lactisole to the transmembrane domain locks the receptor in the inactive ground state. The receptor cannot change its conformation for further signal transduction.

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