Reactions of Acids

6 important questions on Reactions of Acids

What are the rules for producing salts?

The metal must be above hydrogen in the reactivity series but not dangerously reactive.

What are the four ways of producing salts?

Metal + Acid --> salt + hydrogen
Base + Acid --> salt + water
Alkali (soluble base) + Acid --> salt + water
Metal + carbonate --> salt + carbon dioxide + water

What is the reaction between a metal and an acid?

A redox reaction; the metal atoms lose electrons and are oxidised  and hydrogen ions from the acid gain electrons and are reduced.
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Why are solutions acid or alkaline?

Acids produce H+ ions whereas alkalis produce OH- ions when you add them to water

What can you use the pH scale to show?

How acidic or alkaline a substance is.

How are pH values related to the concentration of H+ ions

As the pH decreases by one unit, the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution increases by a factor of 10.

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