Chemical changes

6 important questions on Chemical changes

Metals plus water or dilute acid

Hydrogen is given off with a 'pop'

Where are hydrogen and carbon found on the reactivity series?

carbon is after aluminium
hydrogen is after lead

What are oxidation and reduction in terms of electrons

Oxidation- loss
Reduction- gain
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What is a metal ore?

stone that contains enough of the metal to make it economic to extract the metal. They are mined and might need to be concentrated before the metal is extracted and purified.

How are metals extracted by carbon?

The oxides of metals below carbon can be reduced by carbon to give the metal element. But if higher they are extracted by electrolysis of the molten metal compound.

Reduction of metal by a) carbon b) hydrogen

a) metal oxide + carbon --> metal + carbon dioxide
b) metal oxide + hydrogen --> metal + water vapour

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