Compiance with European Data Protection Law and Regulation - Employment relationships - Workplace monitoring and data loss prevention

8 important questions on Compiance with European Data Protection Law and Regulation - Employment relationships - Workplace monitoring and data loss prevention

What is considered as workplace monitoring

  1. Background checks
  2. Data Loss Prevention
  3. Employee monitoring

Are background checks allowed?

Yes. Check local legislation. Finland requires prior consent. Blacklists are illegal.

What can be said about DLP tooling

Contain employee data - form of employee monitoring
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What principles does an employer need to take into account when carrying out workplace monitoring?

  1. Necessity
  2. Legitimacy
  3. Proportionality
  4. Transparency

Employer - workplace monitoring - necessity. What needs to be done prior to monitoring?


Employer - workplace monitoring - legitimacy. What needs to be done?

Employer will often rely on legitimate interest. Execute balancing test.

Employer - workplace monitoring - proportionality. What needs to be addressed?

Data minimization - adequate, relevant and limited. Email traffic, not content.

What does need to be provided by employers to employees with regards to transparency according to WP29?

  1. Company email/internet policy
  2. Reasons and purposes
  3. Details of surveillance measures taken
  4. Details of any enforcement procedures
  5. Specific guidance on email
  6. Specific guidance on internet

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