European Data Protection Law and Regulation

6 important questions on European Data Protection Law and Regulation

Why are there 'special categories' of personal data?

Processing could mean significant risks to individuals' fundamental rights and freedoms.

What are the categories of special data?

  1. data revealing racial or ethic origin
  2. political opinions
  3. religious or philosophical beliefs
  4. trade union membership
  5. genetic data
  6. biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a person
  7. health
  8. sex life or sexual orientation

What does territorial scope mean?

  1. Processing of data of established EU-organizations
  2. Organizations which offer to sell goods or services
  3. Organizations who monitor individuals in the EU
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What does material scope mean?

Processing of data wholly or partly automated
Processing of data part of a filing system

  1. household
  2. LEPD
  3. security policy of the eu
  4. EU institutions

How can 'establishment' be defined in the context of territorial scope of the GDPR

It is not defined in the GDPR, it is a broad and flexible phrase that should not depend on legal form. It refers to activities.

What are the domains of security covered by article 32

  1. Preventative
  2. Incident detection and response
  3. Remedial security

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