Species range shifts

19 important questions on Species range shifts

What is a niche?

The combinations of conditions inwhich they can survive and reproduce

What plays a role in defining the niche of all species?

- Climate plays an important role in defining the niche of all species

What is niche tracking?

Species ranges shift over time to track suitable clime
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What is mean by species area?

- Area in which the species is found
- Range is determined by the spatial distribution of individual populations

By what can range shits be driven?

- By long term changes in mean climate state
- By short climatic extremes such as freezing

What is the process with coral?

- they have microscopic algea, zooxanthellae that inhabit their cells in a symbiotic relationship
- The algae photosynthesize and pass nutrients to the coral host
- The coral provides a physical structure that protects the algae + keeps them in sunlight for photosynthese

What happens when corals are exposed to high water temperatures?

- they expel their algae
- Without the photosynthesis the corals lose their colour and only their calcium carbonate skeleton stays visible

Where do corals live? And why is this important?

- Corals live in the surface water of the ocean, which warmed first
- As the atmosphere warmed -> some is transferred to the surface of the ocean -> resulting in warmed mean ocean temperatures near the surface

What were the first changes on land?

- Edith's butterfly underwent major range shift
- Population in the south and lowlands were disappearing very fast, but in the north they weren't disappearing
- Continuing this trend would leadto loss of lowland/southern range and an increase in the poleward

What are the options species have faced with climate change?

- Move
- Adapt
- Die

How are artic/antartic species affected?

- They have been hit hard, because of the large loss of sea ice (polar bear, walrus and eider)
-The artic fox which is retreating northward, because the red fox also goes north

What happens with a decline in sea ice?

Decline in sea ice -> decline in algae that grows under the ice -> less krill -> less fish, birds and mammals
(salp increase -> decline in krill)

What happend in the Sierra Nevada mountains?

- There were significant changes in mortality, growth form and populations denisity of trees have been observed without changes in tree line

When do range shifts occur?

- Only with a change in global climate
- Warming period: Poleward shifts
- Cooling period: Shift away from the poles

What regio is sensitive to climate change and why?

- The tropics
- Species have narrower fitness tolerances to temperature.

How do you measure the impact of climate change?

The product of the magnitude of change and sensitivity

What are the first expected shifts?

- In the abundeance of warm-water species and species that thrive along the shore
- When ice cover declines -> more species can colonize -> and species typical of these shore habititats increase in number

What is an example with fresh water changes?

- Salom
- Basal metabolism accelerates with higher temperature -> less room for metabolism directed at swimming + other activities

Which species also undergo changes next to native/endemic species?

- Introduces species
- Pests
- Pathogens
- Example: Mosquitoes -> ectothermic -> sensititive to climate -> higher temperature in colder areas -> range expansion

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