Species management

23 important questions on Species management

What is needed when protected areas and connecitivity cannot adequately conserve a species?

Management to prevent extinction and restore populations to healthy levels

What does the international union for conservation of nature (IUCN)?

It has a red list. If a population is a small or rapidly declining, it may be classified into one of a series of categories indicating progressive threat to the species

What does conservation action depend on?

- Species biology
- Nature of the threats
- Extent of its distribution
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What is needed for effective protection of species?

- Conservation of sites, landscapes or seascapes

When is manipulation of habitat necessary?

- when species found on one site have a population so small that it is needed to reduce the probability of extinction

What doe speceis at mutiple sites need?

- Need less likely aggressive management, but many will still require some type of species-level management

What is the impact on already threatened species?

For species that are already threatened by other factors, climate change is an unwelcome compilation that must be addressed

When are species threatened by climate change?

When the combination of physical habitat space and suitable climate is no longer sufficient to maintain a valiable population

What is the escalator effect?

Montane species move upslope with rising temperatures but can run out of space as their preffered climate reaches the peaks of the mountains

Why are species more endangered?

Due to synergistic interactions

What are two approaches?

  1. Assessing life history traits that make species vulnerable to climate change
  2. Use population models to be considered in setting threat status

What can modeling of populations do?

It can generate probabilities of extinction that in turn can be used to determine if a species is threatened by climate change

What does ESA require?

Species whose populations are endangered in the "foreseeable" future to be given protection

What is the goals of management?

To stabilize the population and where possible, recover the population to the point that its threat status can be downgraded

Why is management of species threatened due to climate change more complex?

Effective management often seeks to adress root causes of endangerment

Why may resoration of populations be dependent on reversing the effects of other stressors?

Because adaptation actions can only reduce, not eliminate the impact of climate change

When do management interventions become appropriate?

When a species dispersal ability is exceeded

When it situ doensn't work what do you do next?

Assisted migration
  • If it is successful it allows species population recovery by natural processes
  • A population unable to naturally reach suitable climatic space can be translocated and the will flourish without futher intervention

What is the downgrade of translocation?

It may out compete species native to the locations

What is species rescue / ex situ management?

- Captive breding to avoid extinction

What are the best and worst case of ex situe management?

Best: Temporary rescue actions and reintroduction
Worst: Only in captivity

What will happen with less climate change?

- It will reduce the number of species placed at risk
- The number of species that must be rescued or maintained ex situ will decrease
- and therefore the cost of conservation will decrease

What does climate change ecology suggest?

Large additional resource for conservation will be needed to safeguard species from extinction due to climate change

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