Connectivity and landscape management
23 important questions on Connectivity and landscape management
What different kinds of connectivty do you have?
- Partial: Trees are left for growing there
- Intensive: Narrow corridor between parks
- Extensive: Broad landscape of conservation-friendly human land use connecting multiple protected areas
What are the positive effects of connectivity?
- Helps accomodate species range shifts
- Promotes gene flow as species go through poluation bottlenecks
Why are connections over very large distances unlikely?
- If climate change is severe enough to require long-distance connecitivty it will also affect a large number of species
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What are the negative effects of connectivity?
- Land uses that involve disturbances
- Diseases can spread more easily
What is the problem with area demanding species?
Why is connectivity for large species so important?
- When the keystone species are lost, food chain reverberations may affect ecosystem structure and process
What are boom and bust cycles?
- low numbers when food availability is low
- Top predators are needed to modulate herbivore populations
Which populations will be less vulnerable to climate change?
What does climate change to migratory species?
What do stepping stones allow?
What happens when timing of migration is affected?
- Geese arriving early in artic summer, so grass is still dormant
What is plant connectivity?
- Small scale connectivity will often occur on the periphery of existing protected areas to complement range already protected
What is the key principle for cost-effective connectivity?
What do large animals and predators need?
What do small animals/birds need?
What do habitat chains do?
- populations will be geographically distributed to minimize changes of extinction
Why is distributed connectivity important?
- Changes do not proceed in one area, having connectivity in another area increases the change that multiple subpopulations will survive
What is the planning process?
- Expert opinion and climate modeling is used
What helps to create cost-effective solutions?
- minimizing the need for new protection
What is a key activity in planning climate change connectivity?
What is climate blowback?
What does regional coordination ensure? And what is needed?
Multiyear data is needed: Planting times
Annual data is needed: Determine when needed resources should be in place and ready
What do you need to do for fine scale connectivity of multiple species?
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- 100% sure, 100% understanding