
18 important questions on Extinctions

What is the Ordovician-Silurian event?

- 440 million years ago
- The extinction wipedout more than 100 families of marine life
- Cause: Suddenly from greenhouse to icehouse. Glaciation -> altered ocean temperatures -> lowering sea level -> changes shore habitats

What is the End-Devonian event?

- 365 million years ago
- Extinctions of marine organisms, corals and other marine invertebrates
- Cause: Removal of CO2 from the atmosphere after emergence of land plants -> cooling of the planet

Permian Triassic / End permian extinction

- 250 million years ago
- First to hit land species, more than half of all plants were lost
- Cause: Massive volcanism, methane release
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What are the direct / indirect causes of extinction?

Direct: Rapid temperature change and sea level rise / fall
Indirect: Volcanic eruptions or asteroid impacts

What happens with Asteroid and volcanic eruptions?

They spew massive amounts of particulate matter into the atmosphere -> these intercept incoming sunlight, blocking the solar warming of the earth -> cooling

To which species are asteroid and volcanic events fatal?

Large organisms or ectothermic species.
The drop in sea level can devastate shelf habitats

What happens when the sunlight is blocked?

- Death of primary production and death of many plants
- Cascade food chain

What is "Snowball Earth"

- Icehouse period 900 million year agoq
- Only single-celled organisms lived then
- After the snowball period, temperatures rose and multicelled organisms evoled

What are the oxygen isotopes? And what do they say?

- 16O = most abundant, 18O = rare
- The ratio indicates past sea surface temperature
- Ocean water high in 18O -> Cooler climates
- Lower 18O/16O ratios indicate warmer, non-glacial periods

What is the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM)?

- Abrupt warming psike
- Loss of foraminiferan species, sudden appearance of land groups
- It may have been caused by volcanism or released of methane from the sea
- Major warming -> less oxygen in the ocean -> marine animals died

What is the onset of major land glaciation in Antarctica?

- Methane trapped in sediments may be realesed during periods of warming, because warm methane hydrates are unstable
- In cool glacial periods the hydrates are stable, so no methane is released

What happen with the onset of the ice ages?

- Its the beginnen of major land glaciation in NH

What happend in the Pleistocene?

Land ice in the NH became extensive
- Forests disappeared
- Tundra expanded

What happened in the End-Pleistocene beginning Holocene?

- Extinctions of large animals -> more in North and South American than in Europe, Asia or Africa
- These coincided with rapid warming and humand arrival

What do missing extinctions illustrate?

- Even abrupt, major climate change is not always accompanied by massive extinction

Why was it important that the length of the warm periods were short?

- Species could adapt / persist through the relatively brief inter-glacials

When do marine extinctions occur?

In times of cooling, especially among cold-blooded creatures in warm waters

Which species are affected the most by the major and minor extinction events?

Short lived species

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