The UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol

16 important questions on The UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol

To w ho are provitision focused of the UNFCCC?

One or more counrties you have annex 1 and 2 countries.All most all states are part of it.

What is the most important provision for legal obligations (art.4 (1)

-Obligation for measures of the emissions and sinks.
- No strict duties to resrtric but yuou habe to implement mitigation policy.
-stimulate clean tecjhnology and pratice
- sustaible management of sinks like forest etc.
- intregrate climate into decision making.
- stimulate research, education andd public awarness.

Still requires today, paris agreement somtimes builds on it.

Diffrence annex I states and Nexx II states art.4

Annex 1 have to have policy to reduce, doesnt say how much but you have to reduce.

All countries have to implement mitigation polciy,
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Adaptation obligation UNFCCC Art.4(1)

Adaptation and mitigation are equally important.
- alla states adaptation policy,
- cooperate especially with africa.

Art.4 (2) UNFCCcC diffrence between te annexes

Requirements for annex 1 countries. They have to report their emissions. All states have to register but only Annex 1 has to send them in and report. This changed in the paris agreement,.

Annex 2:   art.4 (3-5)
they have to provide finanance, technology to developing countries and send ad for adaptation countries. These are coslty so only on the annex 2 countries.
'legally binding.

Why are the meetinf confusing

CMP = Kytoto protocol
CMA = Paris agreement
But they are almost always rfered to as COP.

Kyoto protocl 1997/2020 why important.

Does no longer exist but important because the legal insturments are taken over in paris agreement.

Where does kyoto protocol focus on?>

It had targets and only focused and had annexes
Annex B = Annex 1 
eu as a whole 8%
emission reduction for all parties by 2008-2012 art.3(1)
Measured to 1990, still in paris agreement to some degree,

What instruments does kyoto protocol use?

- unilateral insturments ( subsidy, tax, emissio controls, ets) They are multilateral.
- Bi or miltilateral insturments.

Cap and trade ETS in Kyoto protocol?

You send cap (maximum emissions that you want to allow for activities) The emission cant go beyond a certain cap. This cap is cut up in small particals and you have to show every year that you emit the same amount as you had allowances.

art.17 Kyoto protocol.

CDM in kyoto protocol?

Clean development mechanism
art. 12
this is a mechanism that allowances annex 1 countries to finance projects in developing countries to reduce emissions and broader development.
there is infrastructure around this. When project is allowed you can go ahead and the end results is that the investor. You get CER you can trade it in the ETS. In europe you could swap it for allowences under the ets.

CDM rules for projects that were recurring project cycle

- methodolgy for decision making
- project design
national approval
monitoring etc etc on slide.

Is there cdm in paris agreement?

Integrated in paris agreement currenlt art.6.4, all projects have to be transitioned.

Joint implementatat kp

SImilar CDM, but not focused on sustainble development but only redcuton
only annex 1 countries finance projects in each other. Here its called ERU.
Same reporting etc applies. It is very similar.

JI and CDM diffrence?

No transition to paris agreement, it is stopped, every state needs to achieve own goals.

Enforcement under kp? Complaince committe what are the branches

This has complaince mechanism, it is not in the protocol, but it was later set up two branches
facilittaive branche: help and aid
and enfocrment : one of the first after the first branch sanctions could be imposed.
* diffrence is transferred to next period.
* Plus 30% penality reduction
* duty to draft complaince plan
* Suspend emission trading by that state

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