Climate and Climate Change - atmosphere

7 important questions on Climate and Climate Change - atmosphere

What does the duck curve mean?

It shows the demand for electric city at any given time of the day. Power companies supply the least amount go power overnight. In the morning it gets more, and at sunset it peaks. With solar energy, the demand curve changes - solar produces energy mid day - demand curve for non-sun energy goes down and creates a drop in demand.

Out of which 3 components does air exist? + concentration

- Nitrogen (N2)  78%
- Oxygen (O2) 20,9%
- Argon (Ar) 0,9%

When is a gas a greenhouse gas?

A greenhouse gas molecule absorbs electromagnetic energy if it is at the same frequency that it can naturally resonate (terugkaatsen) its own electromagnetic field, which depends on the composition of the molecule and the properties (electronegativity) of the atoms of which it consists. A molecule doesn't really 'reflect' radiation as much as it absorbs and then re-emits it.
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Which are the main greenhouse gases with concentrations?

- Water vapour (H2O) - 0-3%
- Carbon dioxide (CO2) - 0,04%
- Methane (CH4) - 0,00019%
- Nitrous oxide (N2O)
- Ozone (O3)
- Halocarbons

What does plank's law explain?

Every body with a temperature higher than 0 kelvin (K) emits electromagnetic radiation. The warmer the body, the more electromagnetic radiation and the shorter the wavelength.

Why do we have to divide the number of incoming energy from the sun by 4?

Because it is the radio between the total surface of the globe and the surface of a circle with the same radius that actually receives those 1360 w m-2 = 340 w m-2

What does a positive feedback do?

Outputs reinforce/amplify the process

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