Climate and Climate Change - atmosphere - Interactions
15 important questions on Climate and Climate Change - atmosphere - Interactions
What are the albedo effects?(5) positive/negative?
- Water vapour +
- Vegetation/carbon sinks -
- Permafrost +
- Ocean warming +
What is radiative forcing?
What are primary/secondary aerosols?
Secondary: formed by gas to particle conversion in the atmosphere.
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What happens during the neutral phase of enso?
What is the walker circulation?
What is la Nina?
Why is la Nina a feedback loop?
What does high air pressure mean?
What does low air pressure mean?
What is the definition of sustainability according to the Bruntland commission?
What is a trade off regarding poverty and the climate?
What is the poverty trap? (natural disasters)
What is an agricultural mitigation strategy?
Mitigation strategy renewable energy downsides/plus sides?
Negative: - Produce large amounts of waste - requires large land surface.
What is the DPSIR framework?
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
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- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding