Topic / sectie - rest
8 important questions on Topic / sectie - rest
What is the difference between compound and cascading impacts in climate change?
cascading is domino effect from one event
Describe the reactive and proactive adaptation
1. In response to observed conditions
2. Mitigating against the damages that have already occured
3. Low uncertainty
4. Eg. Diversification of Crop , water managemetn etc.
1. In anticipation of future climate change
2. Planning for damages that may occur in the future
3. High uncertainty
4. Eg dykes for lfood protection
What is the definition of incremental adaptation?
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What is the definition of Transformative adaptation?
What are examples of transformative adaptatoin?
Large scale migration
new food systems
large scale wetland restoration
shriking population and economies
What are examples of incremental adaptation?
solar panels
air conditioners
new crop carieties
Which directions can compount impacts have?
drought --> wildfire
sea level rise --> coastal erosion
bidirectional- (creates feedback loop)
drought heatwave drought
forest loss --> lcimate change --> forest loss
What factors affect adaptive capacity?
information/knowledge and skills
economic wealth
infrastructure and access to technologies
institutions and governance
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