Cerebrovascular disease - neuropsychological effects - changes in social cognition

4 important questions on Cerebrovascular disease - neuropsychological effects - changes in social cognition

What sort of changes regarding social cognition are found with cerebrovascular diseases?

  • Problems emotion recognition
  • impairments understanding social situatios or regulation of interpersonal behavior

Most of the time emotional functioning is affected because of a stroke in the right hemisphere. Both hemispheres play a part in emotional well-being but in different ways, what are the differences between both hemispheres?

  • Left hemisphere
    • inhibition and control of emotions
  • right hemisphere
    • origin of emotions

What behavioral differences can be noticed after frontal lobe damage?

  • Excessive behavior
    • easily irritated
    • inappropriate emotional expressions
  • lack of behavior
    • apathy
    • loss of initiative
    • blunted affect
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What behavioral differences are found after damage of the cerebellum?

  • Blunted affect
  • disinhibited behavior
  • motor and cognitive problems
  • pseudobulbar (cerebellar) syndrome
    • pathological crying and laughter
    • bilateral lesion corticobulbar tract

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