The Parkinson spectrum

3 important questions on The Parkinson spectrum

What are some of the motor symptoms that arise in hypokinetic-rigid syndrome?

  • Lack of movement/slowness
    • akinesia: problems with starting movement
    • hypokineasia: decrese of bodily movement
    • bradykinesia: slow movement
  • rigidity
    • cogwheel phenomenon: stiff and jerky movement
  • rest tremor
  • postural instability

What are some of the non-motor symptoms with hypokinetic-rigid syndrome? (often unrecognized)

  • Fatigue
  • hyposmia (disturbed sense of smell)
  • atonomic disorders
    • blood pressure, excessive perspiration, constipation, bladder problems and sexual difficulties
  • sleep disorders
  • affective disorders
  • apathy
  • cognitive impairments
  • impulse control disorders
  • psychoses and hallucinations

Which 3 subtypes of Parkinson's disease are distinguished in the book?

  1. Tremor-dominant
    1. fewer non-motor symptoms
  2. hypokinetic-rigid
  3. balance problems

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