Alcohol related cognitive impairments - Cognitive impairments

4 important questions on Alcohol related cognitive impairments - Cognitive impairments

Which 4 patterns of cognitive impairment are identified in people with AUD?

  1. Impaired executive functions with spared intelligence and memory
  2. combined executive impairments and memory deficits with spared intelligence
  3. global cognitive deterioration
  4. unimpaired cognitive capabilities

What is the continuity hypothesis?

It assumes there is a relation between the duration/amount of alcohol use and the severity of cognitive impairments
  • social drinkers --> alcoholics --> cognitive deterioration
  • brain damage of overconsuption can not be compared to that of korsakoff's syndrome

What is one of the most prominent differences between AUD and Korsakoff's syndrome?

Korsakoff patients have impairments in all aspects of executive functioning, whereas AUD patients have an impairment in one specific aspect of executive functioning (object alternation)
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What symptoms characterize alcohol related dementia? (ARD)

  • Memory deficits
  • intellectual functioning
  • interference with normal daily functioning
  • can be attributed to the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain

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